JSC Math Suggestion 2019 for All Education Board. How are you all dear JSC exam candidates? Surely you are passing a very busy time right through your studies. Maybe you have a lot of fear in your mind regarding the JSC exam. In particular, there is no end to your worry about the complex subjects like mathematics. There is no reason to be afraid of mathematics.

If you are afraid, you will miss the ‘A’ plus. So we have come up with the JSC math suggestion to make you overcome your fear related to math. If you follow our suggestion and take preparation according to that, then your exam preparation will be completed to a greater extent. The questions that we have included in the JSC math suggestion have the great chance to come in the board exam.


JSC Math Suggestion for All Board

Actually, mathematics is not as real as it is assumed. The person who falls in love with mathematics cannot leave that love in the whole life. Math is not a matter of memorization. You have to learn this by understanding it. Once you learn a few basic rules, math will be a lot easier. Those who want to get strong suggestions on mathematics for JSC exam should follow this post. This will help you out a lot during the exam time. Let’s Check JSC English Suggestion 2019  and JSC Bangla 1st Paper Suggestion 2019.

A large part of those who fail in the JSC exam get caught in the math. Again, those who miss the ‘A’ plus, most of them miss it due to math. The reason for this is the lack of proper guidelines about mathematics. But if a normal quality student gets the proper guideline, he or she can do well in the math. We are not just giving the JSC math suggestion here but also providing the proper guidelines for the exam. And the questions of our suggestion have been selected by experienced mathematicians. You may still not understand how important this suggestion is for your exam. So, no more talk here, those who want to get suggestion please have a look at how to download the math suggestion now.

JSC Math Question System 2019

Before providing you the suggestion, we would like to give a little idea about the question pattern of mathematics in JSC exam. Mathematics exam in JSC is now being held in a new way. Now, 30 marks have been added to the MCQ part for the math. This MCQ part is very difficult for many. That is because it is not easy to answer all those in such a short time after calculation. Along with this, it is necessary to answer 20 marks in algebra, 20 marks in arithmetic, 20 marks in geometry, and 10 marks in statistics. In total, you have to sit for the exam having 100 marks.

JSC Result 2019 Download

JSC Math Question Mark Distribution

The marks distribution system of each section is mentioned below.

  1. There are 30 marks allocated for the MCQ part. There will be 30 MCQ questions from different parts of the textbook. Students will have to answer each question. The value of each question is 1.
  2. There are 20 marks allocated for the arithmetic part. You will get 3 questions for this. You have to answer any two. The value of each question is 10.
  3. There are 20 marks allocated for the algebra part. Students will get 3 questions to answer. They have to answer any two from those. The value of each question is 10.
  4. There are 20 marks allocated for the geometry part. Here too, you have to answer any two questions out of 3 questions. The value of each question is 10 also.
  5. The total number in statistics is 10. There will be two questions. You have to answer one. The value of each question is 10.

JSC Math Suggestion 2019 Download


By this time, we have come up with the most desirable suggestion. In fact, if we would provide you the suggestion initially, you would not read the following article. So you would have remained unaware of the question pattern and marks distribution. That is why we have made this trick so that you can read all and know well. You already have come to know all, now it is time to download the suggestion. Do not delay and download the JSC math suggestion now.

JSC Exam Routine 2019

Our JSC Math Suggestion 2019 is given in PDF form. PDF reader will be required to open the suggestion. If you do not have that, then download the Foxit reader from the Play Store. Then follow the suggestion and prepare yourself better. But we would like to say a thing. The job of the suggestion is to make your study short. You should also take preparation from the text in parallel and just follow the pattern of the suggestion. Only then you will be able to do the best result in math.

Final Verdict

To make your preparations for your JSC exams, we always work hard. The only reason for this is that you can make the good results. Our hard work will be paid off only when you can prepare yourself well after following our JSC Suggestion. Do not be afraid of mathematics rather you have to win this. Only then you will see it is as simple as you cannot even imagine. We have made the JSC math suggestion in the way so that you can easily do that work.