Rajshahi Board JSC Result 2019 with Number Wise MarkSheet. In the Rajshahi region, the winter comes a little earlier. Just after the JSC examinations, you are maybe getting the touch of the winter season. When the result will be published, it will be difficult to stand outside in the winter time. However, in this cold time, you have to collect the JSC results of Rajshahi board. If you do not want to face any problem in winter regarding seeing the results, follow our full tutorial on the Rajshahi Board JSC Result. We are going to discuss everything in detail about the Rajshahi Board JSC Result today.
In this way, you will know everything before the results are published. Then on the result publication day, you will be able to find out your results within a short time. Our job is to teach you all the rules of how to see the results. So let us now learn all the methods of seeing the JSC results of Rajshahi Board. This will reduce your sufferings a lot later.
Rajshahi Board JSC Result 2019
Very likely this year the result of JSC examinations of Rajshahi Board will be published in the last week of December. Actually, the results of the Rajshahi Board are not published separately. It is published on the same day along with other boards. On the Result publication day, we all see a common scene. And that is many students go here and there with a lot of tension for the result. Most of them get misguided. But these are very easy tasks. You can learn how to see results rather than requesting people. To learn it, follow everything of our tutorials step by step.
How To Get JSC Result Rajshahi Board Online
Now people like to do everything on the internet. So naturally, the result of the Rajshahi Board is published online along with the other boards. But how will you get the Rajshahi Board JSC results online? The answer is very easy. You just have to visit two links that we have given. If you have any problems in understanding then follow the tutorials below. There we have explained everything.
JSC Results Of Rajshai Board Online
Without thinking anything, just click on the link Official website (www.educationboardresults.gov.bd). You will get a table containing different information related to the JSC exam on the home page. In the beginning, click on the front of the exam option and select the JSC / JDC. Then select your passing year 2019. You have to select the board Rajshahi. Then you need to fill up the next steps by typing. Type your roll number and registration number in the blank box exactly as it is in the admit card. Then you have to write the summation result as the captcha. Then you need to click on the submit button. You will get your JSC result within a few moments.
JSC Results Rajshai Board From eboardresults.com
If you want to get online JSC results from the eboard result, then click on the link above. The site itself will divert you to the apps page. On that page, you will see a lot of links and click on the SSC / HSC / JSC / equivalent result from those links on top. Then you will be taken to another page and from there you need to select the exam JSC / JDC. Then you will get a drop-down menu to select the passing year and select it 2019. Then you have to provide the board and the results type Rajshahi and individual respectively. Then you will get some more empty boxes in front of you. In those boxes, type your roll number, registration number, and captcha correctly and click on the ‘get result’. Within a few moments, you will get your results.
JSC Result Rajshahi Education Board By SMS
It is also possible to see the JSC result of Rajshahi board through SMS except for the internet. You can do that with a normal mobile phone. For that, you have to cost just only 2 taka. If you want to get results in this method, go to the message option and type
JSC RAJ Roll Number 2019 and then send to 16222
Example: JSC RAJ 12345698 2019 and send 16222
Here you will get more detailed instructions for viewing the JSC results of Rajshahi Board through SMS.
About Rajshahi Education Board
Rajshahi Education Board consists of the districts of Rajshahi division. From here, secondary and higher secondary education in the Rajshahi region is controlled. It was once a very large board. There are still plenty of students from the Rajshahi education board to participate in the JSC exam. This board has been contributing significantly to the spread of education in the country.
Finally, we would like to say that we have explained to you all about the JSC results of Rajshahi Education Board. We hope that no one will have to face any problem to understand our instructions. Rajshahi Board JSC Result will be published on the due time. You do not have to worry so much about it. Hopefully, you will make a good result than your expectation on the result publication day.