JSC Routine 2019 PDF Download All Board Bangladesh. As the JSC candidate, it is your duty to know the routine of the exam. If you do not know your exam routine then you cannot take your preparation properly. This year’s JSC exam will start in a few days. However, all the concerned boards publish routine before the starting of the examination. Today our discussion is about JSC Routine 2019. JSC is the second public examination in your education life. This examination is the entrance to the next education life. Basically, the government has introduced the JSC exam several years ago to verify your talent. Those who want to get the JSC Routine 2019 can read our full write-up immediately.
In our today’s discussion, we will provide not only the routine but also the information in the form of PDF of marks distribution, the starting date of the exam, separate routines of each board. Because of this, you will get rid of all your anxiety regarding the routine. After reading our article, you can know the routine before your friends.
When JSC Exam Will Start?
Generally, the JSC examination begins from November 01 every year. But if the 1st of November is Friday then the exam starts on the 02nd of November. This year’s Junior School Certificate (JSC) and Junior Dakhil Certificate (JDC) examination of the students of class VIII will start from November 01. According to JSC Routine 2019, The exams will be held at 10 am and 2 pm on scheduled days. This is the 9th time this exam is going to be held. It is compulsory to appear in the examination room 30 minutes before the starting of the examination.
জেএসসি পরীক্ষা স্থগিত ঘূর্ণিঝড় বুলবুলের কারণে
ঘূর্ণিঝড় বুলবুলের কারণে পিছিয়ে দেওয়া হয়েছে শনিবারের জুনিয়র স্কুল সার্টিফিকেট (জেএসসি) ও জুনিয়র দাখিল সার্টিফিকেট (জেডিসি) পরীক্ষা।
শুক্রবার শিক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয়ের জনসংযোগ কর্মকর্তা আবুল খায়ের এ তথ্য জানান। তিনি বলেন, জেএসসির স্থগিত পরীক্ষা ১২ নভেম্বর এবং জেডিসির স্থগিত পরীক্ষা ১৪ নভেম্বর হবে।
আটটি সাধারণ শিক্ষা বোর্ডে জেএসসি এবং মাদ্রাসা শিক্ষা বোর্ডের অধীনে জেডিসিতে শনিবার গণিত বিষয়ের পরীক্ষা হওয়ার কথা ছিল।
JSC Exam Routine 2019 PDF Download
For your convenience, we will present the JSC routine in the PDF format. PDF is very convenient to read on android mobile. All the writings in this format can be read clearly. We will provide separate PDF files for each board. You need to download the PDF file of that board under which you are studying. And we have given a very easy download link. Anyone can easily download the PDF file from our download link.
If you download the PDF file and open it then you will get the full routine. If you cannot open the file then download the Foxit Reader from the Play Store. Then you can read any PDF with the Foxit reader. You can have a look at a glance at the PDF file of the JSC exam routine of all general education boards.
JSC Bangla 1st Paper Suggestion
JSC Routine 2019 All Boards
This year JSC examination will be held under 9 general education boards in Bangladesh. Mymensingh Education Board has been newly added to the previous 8 boards. Apart from this, the JDC examination is held under the Madrasha Board. Generally, in the first week of November every year, JSC and JDC exams are being started across the country. Here we will publish the routine of all the board exams for this year JSC exam.
- Comilla board JSC routine PDF
- Chittagong board JSC routine PDF
- Rajshahi board JSC routine PDF
- Sylhet board JSC routine PDF
- Barishal board JSC routine PDF
JSC Exam Routine 2019 Dhaka board
Our routine will include the date, time, and everything for each exam. You can download our routines for your future need. You can hang the routine in front of your reading table several days before the exam. It will help you to know quickly what exam is going to hold in which day. Now let us see the details of the routine.
JDC Routine 2019 Download
JDC exam is held instead of JSC exam for the students of class eight for the Madrasha board. However, the JDC exam will also start on November 01. The routine of Madrasha board is different. So we also have given you the JDC examination routine. You can download the routine from the link below.
- Madrasha board JDC routine PDF download
JSC Exam Subject Wise Marks Distribution
We will provide different PDF files of marks distribution for each subject. There are also sample questions along with the marks distribution as well in the PDF file.
- Download Bangla mark distribution PDF
- Download English mark distribution PDF
- Agricultural studies mark distribution PDF
JSC Routine 2019 Dinajpur board
Usually, your exam starts in November. Your exam continues simultaneously without any gap. Having no gap is good in one aspect and that is you do not have to face any problem to concentrate. Now let us know you all the information about JSC exam routines.
JSC routine 2019 Jessore board
Hopefully, you all have got the full routine of the JSC exam. So you have already got the JSC Routine 2019 and now you have to be prepared for the exam accordingly. Start studying according to the routine.
Study on the subject each day that you are going to sit for the exam. JSC exams are very important in your life. Through this exam, your merit is verified for the second time. Since it is a public examination, it has the value in every case of your life. So we believe that you will end all the exams nicely.