JSC Result Board Challenge 2020 । Result Re-Scrutiny Application Process. JSC Recheck Result 2019 on 29 January 2020. some of the students do not obtain expected result in their exam as they desire. So that they can apply for Challenge JSC 20 result. Its known as  Re-Scrutiny application of Result and so called “Khata Challenge“. In this content we will discuss full procedure of JSC Board result Challenge  or JSC result ReScrutiny process.


JSC Board Challenge Result 2020

Those students  who do not get the expected results, they can apply for Board Challenge or Result Re-Scrutiny Application 2020. Every year thousands of students are apply for Result challenge. Like others years you can apply for this. Already Education board announced board challenge application notice in their website. Point to be noted this application time is so short. May be you can can apply for this with in 5 days. Follow the below instruction for JSC Re-Scrutiny Result 2020. JSC Result 2020 Download


Important dates and schedule

  • Application starts: 1st January 2020
  • Application Ends: 7th January 2020
  • Fee / subject: 150 Taka
  • JSC Board Challenge result Date published:  29 January 2020

JSC Recheck Result 2019

All Board JSC exam Board challenge result will publish at 29 January 2020 2.00 PM.

Dhaka Board JSC Rescrutiny Result 2020 Download

Chittagong Board JSC Recheck Result 2020 Download

Rajshahi Board JSC Board Challenge Result 2020

Sylhet Board JSC Rescrutiny Result 2020 Download

Jessore Board JSC Board Challenge Result 2020 Download

Comilla Board JSC Recheck Result 2020 Download

Dinajpur Board JSC Board Challenge Result 2020

JSC Challenge Result 2020 Mymensingh Board

Barisal Board JSC Recheck Result 2020 Download

JDC Challenge Result 2020 Madrasha Board Download

JSC Board Challenge Result Related Notice


Procedure of Rescutiny process JSC 2020

You must have to apply via SMS to the board for registering your result to recheck.you can send application for one or more subject through same SMS. but you have to pay a definite amount of taka per subject. The result of your board challenge application will be arrived you through a text SMS to you from your education board.

You application for challenge your JSC result 2020 will be completed by two step of sms. We called it as 1st sms and 2nd sms.

  1. in first sms you will define your subject by subject code to challenge.
  2. after sending first sms you will receive a return sms which will contain a PIN number & tell you to confirm the application of the rescutiny process by paying the amount. In this aspect you must have to contain the sufficient balance in your Teletalk sim by which you apply for your JSC result rechek process.

1st SMS

To apply for JSC Board Challenge Result , just go to Mobile Message option and type RSC <Space> the first three letters of your education board by typing <Space> Roll Number <Space> Subject Code and send this SMS to 16222 from your Teletalk sim.

N.B: if you want to apply for more than one subject then type subject code by separating comma.

RSC<space>First three letter of education board<space>Roll Number<space>Subject code

Example : RSC DHA 654321 101,107,275

After sending this SMS you will receive a return SMS. This SMS contain a Pin number which is need for next SMS.

2nd SMS

Again go to Message option and Type RSC <Space> Yes<Space> Pin Number <Space> Your Phone Number and send this 16222 Number.

RSC<space>Yes<space>Your Phone number

Example : RSC Yes 4561 017*********

N.B:You must have to sufficient balance in your teletalk sim which you used for application of the board result challenge.

Now you get a SMS with Tracking Number. This number is essential for board challenge . Please save this  number .

  • To multiple paper challenge, the code number should be entered with comma Ex:  101,107,109,127
  • Fee per lPaper 150 / – only One Hundred and fifty Taka (SMS Charge Applicable)

A little more about JSC Challenge Result

JSC Board Result Challenge is also called Re-Scrutiny process.Note that on 1st April, 2020, the JSC and equivalent examinations started in Bangladesh, together with the Higher Secondary Certificate.

As always, the result of the examination will be published in the meantime. Many of the results of students will be expected and many of them will not be expected. They won’t get the results as they did the test. Then the word Re-Scrutiny Application comes.

What is Re-Scrutiny or board result challenge?

After the results of the JSC, SSC or JSC exams, the results of all the secondary and higher secondary education boards, technical and madrasa board results from the day the students are uncertain if they do not get the results, they can give the opportunity to check their uncertainty. This opportunity is called re-scrutiny.Many people think that the board authority re-evaluate exam. But what is actually done by the board in this process is that the number of errors or the number of mistakes made in the number is mixed.

How to challenge the board result or What is the process of Re-scrutiny?

Many people think that they need to go to there board to challenge the board. This though was true many times ago. But in this modern age of computer, you need not to do that. You are given the opportunity to challenge your result in your known study room or anywhere in the country in SMS. So what is the actual way to do that. Here it is. Needed things:

  1. A mobile phone connected with teletalk sim. ( You can take help from another who use teletalk sim)
  2. Adequate balance. (For every paper you need to pay 150tk)
  3. A personal mobile number.

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